How to Keep Your Cool When Selling Your Home

Selling your home is a bit like bailing hay in the summer. It’s a lot of work, and it can sure stir up some dust and emotions along the way. But with the right approach, you can get through the sale with a smile and maybe a little dirt on your boots, but none the worse for wear.

I’ve been through this more than a few times, both personally and helping folks like you. And let me tell you, the trick isn’t just in the price or the curb appeal.

It really comes down to dealing with something that a lot of people don’t talk about - the emotions.

Three Emotions You Might Wrestle With

Take it from someone who’s seen it all, from sprawling ranches to tiny homes. Here are the three things you need to watch out for:

#1: Attachment

This one’s tricky. It’s like your favorite old hat; it fits just right because it’s shaped to you over the years. Your home’s the same way, filled with memories.

#2: Fear of Loss

Selling can feel like you’re giving up a piece of yourself, especially if it’s been your family’s homestead for a while. But remember, it’s the people and memories that make a home, not the four walls and roof.

#3: Uncertainty

Stepping into the unknown is like checking what’s rustling in the bushes at night. Might be nothing, might be something. The key is to shine a light on it, figure it out, and not let it spook you.

Got all that? Good. Now, here’s how we’re going to handle it, step by step.

How to Stay Steady

First off, we need to get your mindset right. 

Acknowledge those feelings.

It’s okay to feel a bit sentimental or even a tad nervous about it. That’s natural. Just don’t let it keep you from making smart decisions.

Spell out why you’re selling.

Maybe it’s to downsize, maybe it’s for a new job, or maybe it’s time for a change of scenery. Whatever it is, keep that reason front and center. It’ll help you stay the course when the going gets tough.

Picture the finish line. 

Imagine handing over those keys and heading off to your next adventure. Keep that image clear in your mind. It’s what we’re aiming for.

Plan for the bumps. 

No road’s ever completely smooth, but if you know where the potholes are, you can steer around them. Think about what parts of this process might throw you off course and how we can get ahead of them.

4 Good Habits to Keep You on Track

As we move through this, there are 4 good habits to keep you on track.

  1. Change how you see the place.

    Try to look at your home as if you’re seeing it for the first time. What would catch your eye? What might you do differently? This helps us prep it for someone new.

  2. Clear your head when emotions kick up.

    If you start feeling overwhelmed, take a step back. Go for a walk, do something you enjoy. It’ll help clear your head so you can come back to the table ready to make decisions.

  3. Lean on your crew.

    Whether it’s friends, family, or your trusty realtor (that’s me!), don’t try to shoulder the load all by yourself.

  4. Celebrate the small victories.

    Every step forward is progress—whether it’s getting through the paperwork, sprucing up the place, or just making the decision to sell. Recognize those moments.

Focusing on What’s Next

Selling your home, like any big change, has its share of ups and downs. But with a clear head and a steady hand, you’ll work your way through it just fine. Remember, it’s not about rushing through the process or getting tangled up in what ifs and maybes. It’s about making thoughtful decisions, keeping those emotions in check, and moving forward with purpose.

Take care, keep your spirits up, and remember: every sale, just like every crop, has its season.

Here’s to making this one of your best.


The Beginner's Guide to Your Home's Value